UWB Crest

Marine Metagenomics for New Biotechnological Applications







Publications 2011

Yakimov, M.M., La Cono, V., Smedile, F., Ferrer, M., De Luca, T.H., Juarez, S., Ciordia, S., Albar, J.P., Golyshin, P.N. and Giuliano, L. 2011. Contribution of crenarchaeal autotrophic ammonia oxidizers to the dark primary production in Tyrrhenian deep waters (Central Mediterranean Sea). ISME JournalJun; 5(6):945-961.

La Cono, V., Smedile, F., Bortoluzzi, G., Arcadi, E., Maimone, G., Messina, E., Borghini, M., Oliveri, E., Mazzola, S., L'Haridon, S., Toffin, L., Genovese, M., Ferrer, M., Giuliano, L., Golyshin, P.N., and Yakimov M.M. 2011. Unveiling microbial life in new deep-sea hypersaline Lake Thetis. Part I: Prokaryotes and environmental settings.Environ Microbiol Aug; 13(8):2250-2268.

Golyshina O.V. 2011. Environmental, biogeographic, and biochemical patterns of archaea of the family Ferroplasmaceae.Appl Environ Microbiol. Aug;77(15):5071-5078.